National Art Pass offers available at Mall Galleries

50% off exhibitions
Individual Tiana Clarke Please note this is an example card and not a reflection of the final product

50% off exhibitions at Mall Galleries

The National Art Pass lets you enjoy free entry to hundreds of museums, galleries and historic places across the UK, while raising money to support them.


Mall Galleries


With a National Art Pass you get

50% off exhibitions
Visitor Information
indicates offers with National Art Pass

The Mall Galleries champion new contemporary figurative art by living artists, with the aim of promoting, inspiring and educating audiences about the visual arts.

The galleries are also the home of the Federation of British Artists, a registered charity established in 1961, and host several of the UK's premier open art competitions, including the Threadneedle Prize and the ING Discerning Eye.

Join The Wild Escape

Enter The Wild World and create your creature

是全国野生动物的庆祝活动的一部分and nature. Add your museum inspired creation to The Wild World and be part of a huge collective artwork created by children across the UK.

Individual Tiana Clarke Please note this is an example card and not a reflection of the final product

The more you see, the more we do.

The National Art Pass lets you enjoy free entry to hundreds of museums, galleries and historic places across the UK, while raising money to support them.

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